From a Hollow Man

Without the lights,  it would just be a plain looking tree in a bare land of snow.
Without Your light, I would just be hollow man in a deserted world filled with troubles.

Thank you for shining Your light on such an unworthy child like me.
Thank you for filling my heart with Your incredible and unchanging love.
Fill my heart with your love and holy spirit.
Help me bold and stand firm in this trouble-filled world.
I've seen and I believe.
Let my heart never settle in my little comfort zone.
Let my heart always break for the sufferings and the pains of this world.
I was made from love; made to love; and made to be loved.
Let this love overflow from my heart and reach out to others.
Let your light shine. Let your glory be revealed.
Let your will be done on this earth.
Let your love fill this earth. fill the hearts of those in need.

Christmas is coming!
Let my heart rejoice in truth and love with purity and sincerity.

"For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace"
Romans 8:6

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