Christmas Love

You made my heart so small and weak
so I can be amazed at how big and strong Your love is.

Your love is so big that my small heart cannot contain it;
so I let your love not just fill my heart, but overflow from my heart
to the hearts of others that you've put in my life.

Your love is so perfect and amazing;
I don't want to be selfish and have it all for myself.
I want your love, your light, to be revealed, shine, and fill other's heart.

Thank you for being perfect and amazing Father.
Thank you for sending your only Son and forgiving us.
Thank you for the cross.

Make me strong so that I can share the burden of Christ
Make me compassionate so that I can carry the cross with Christ

Help me stay faithful to you. Help me be a better servant for you.
Use me to bring you glory!

"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other for you.
May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy
in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones."
1 Thessalonians 3:12-13

From a Hollow Man

Without the lights,  it would just be a plain looking tree in a bare land of snow.
Without Your light, I would just be hollow man in a deserted world filled with troubles.

Thank you for shining Your light on such an unworthy child like me.
Thank you for filling my heart with Your incredible and unchanging love.
Fill my heart with your love and holy spirit.
Help me bold and stand firm in this trouble-filled world.
I've seen and I believe.
Let my heart never settle in my little comfort zone.
Let my heart always break for the sufferings and the pains of this world.
I was made from love; made to love; and made to be loved.
Let this love overflow from my heart and reach out to others.
Let your light shine. Let your glory be revealed.
Let your will be done on this earth.
Let your love fill this earth. fill the hearts of those in need.

Christmas is coming!
Let my heart rejoice in truth and love with purity and sincerity.

"For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace"
Romans 8:6


달렸다. 또 달렸다.

계속 달렸다.

그런데 너무 앞만 봤나보다.

다 끝나고 나서 한 숨 돌리고 나서야
느껴지는 공허함
그리고 두려움

지난날 노력하지 않은 것에 대한 후회인가
지난날 내게, 그리고 다른이들에게 한 모든 거짓됨에 대해 죄책감인가

두렵고 어떻게 해야할지를 모르겠어서
무조건 잘못했다고 한다
또 한번의 기회를 달라고 한다

나라는 인간은 왜 자꾸 똑같은 레퍼토리에서 벗어나질 못하는걸까
똑같은 굴레
뫼비우스의 굴레처럼 끝없이 반복하고 또 반복한다

나를 좀 더 난 사람으로
나를 좀 더 강한 사람으로
그렇게 계속 거짓으로 나를 포장해간다

이런 내가 무섭다

자꾸 내 자신에게 진다
점점 내 자신이 무섭다

생각이 많아진다
소음이 많아진다

어디선가 읽은 적이 있다.
To be saved cost us nothing..
To be discipled cost us everything.

마음이 무겁다.
계속 내 자신을 타이르고 또 타이르면서
여기까지 오긴 했는데...
자꾸 아기가 되어간다
내 자신의 짐을 이겨내지 못하고
자꾸 가라앉는다

그리고 또 생각한다
소음이 많아진다

정말 기도만하고 싶다.

Promise - Joshua 1:9

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed."
-1 Peter 4:12-13

Happy to share the sufferings of Christ.
Happy to know that He is drawing me near.
Happy to be humbled
Happy to have more of Him and less of me in my heart

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
- Proverbs 16:9

Silencing all the noise in this world and within myself...
Because all there is left for me to do is to listen and read, and surrender to Your perfect will.

Until every part of my body and soul is purified with the blood of Christ, I will sing my heart out.
Just as you promised, just as you gave me Joshua 1:9 in the beginning of my journey in college...

"For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ."
- 2 Corinthians 1:5

This is His design

Starry Night by Chris August
From the Birds that Sing, In the Tallest Trees.
To the Human Life, of you and me.
From the Desert Sands, to the place we stand.
He is God of All, He is Everything.

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
Let the praises ring, 'cause he is everything
'Cause he is everything

From the Autumn Leaves, that will ride the breeze
To the Faith it takes, to pray and sing
From the Painted sky, to my plank filled eye
He is God of all, He is everything

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
Let the praises ring, 'cause he is everything.

Ohhhhhhh (everything)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
I believe
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
I believe

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun
On that Starry Night, He changed my life.
I'm giving it all to the only son who gave me hope when I had none.
So let the praises ring,

Ohhhh Let the Praises Ring

I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.
Every Starry Night, that was His design.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
and the Angels sing, that he is Heavenly

So let the Praises ring
'Cause he everything

Listening to the radio in a car on the way to church to prepare a farewell party for a friend,
a familiar tune caught my attention earlier tonight.
Starry Night by Christ August
I must have heard this song many times on the radio in a car after Sunday School,
because I don't have this song in my itunes and I don't listen to the radio unless I'm in a car.
We encounter so many different things in our lives that often times, we don't get to appreciate our surroundings as much as we really should.
It wasn't until today(by that I mean Friday night) that I really listened to the lyrics and really appreciated the song.
I've known the chorus part a bit, but I don't think I ever really tried to listen and sing it with my heart.
Ah, what a beautiful confession...
I like the night sky. I like the stars and the moonlight.
I like the silence and the stillness of the nature after 3 am in the morning.
"I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon reflect the sun.

Every Starry Night, that was His design.
On that Starry Night, He changed my life.
I'm giving my life to the only son, who was and is and yet to come
and the Angels sing, that he is Heavenly
I'm giving it all to the only son who gave me hope when I had none.

So let the praises ring."

His design. His beautiful and perfect design beyond my comprehension.

Life is hectic - filled with troubles. ups and downs; rollercoaster.
People are interesting - unique and different in one way or the other
It's interesting that all these strangers meet, be friends, trust, share, love, and live on their lives.
There is nothing in this world that's not His design.
He is everything and everywhere.
He is the only one who is faithful and unchanging; everlasting.

We change.
No matter where we are, what we are doing, how we've changed...
He remains the same God.

The Father I met yesterday is the Father I meet today, and the Father I will meet tomorrow.
The Father I meet at home is the Father I meet in my dorm, and the Father I will meet anywhere else.

There is no word that can justly proclaim how amazing, awesome, and perfect He is.

Listening to Starry Night and be moved suddenly tonight is His plan as well.
Thank you Father for a beautiful starry night.

By His love I've become a new creation; give it all to Him and let the praises ring.

PS. Only ironic thing would be there was no stars on the sky last night - snow.
But it's okay. Stars aren't the only beautiful creation that He made for us as reminders of His love.

Nostalgia. Confession. Surrender.

I just got back from a late-night chat "sesh" with my friends in Hillside.
The usual midnight chill sesh with my friends, enjoying our favorite Buffalo Chicken Panini at Hillside.
Tradition started since last year by last year's ACF freshmen.

I don't know how, but we started talking about our high school years.
and it brought back lots of memories.

I went to church. I was an active member of my youth group; always attended our weekly Bible Study meeting, helped my youth pastor organizing events, volunteered for events and activities...
I hate saying this kind of things about myself, but I think lots of people saw me as a very good christian girl...
The saddest part of this story is that I actually believed that lie.

I must confess:
I've never actually read the Bible until college.
I read the Genesis and Exodus, and did a chapter study and reflection on it as part of my youth group's Bible study...
I struggled so much when I read those first two books... Because I approached them like how I approached my English literatures and assignments.

I must confess:
I compromised my time with God; I set my week days as days for school work and other things that I was involved in, and set my weekend as days for church.
I was so confident that I'm doing the right thing; I was so convinced that my "balance" in life is "perfect".

I must confess:
A lot of times, I said I'm doing them for God, but I always had( and have and will have sadly) so many other self-driven motives and other sources of inspirations/motivations/drives.

I was a liar to myself and God; I was a fool, blinded by self-created lies and hopelessly lost in denial.

4 years. racing to the destination with a wrong purpose. living in dark pit of lies and denials. constantly justifying my existence with lies. giving no place for God to stand in my heart as I praise God and invite Him into my hearts with just words, without actions nor heart.
How easy it is to lie, to give false testimony, to let your lips say things that your heart doesn't say...

I was lost in the desert during my four years of high school.

But my heavenly Father knows the best of me and knew how to draw me near to Him.
He is the most patient, tender, quiet, faithful, and never-changing Father I know.
He waited for the right time. He called me.
and here I am in University of Rochester, almost ending the first semester of my sophomore year.
I've never thought I would've ever come to this school in high school.
Even in the beginning of my freshman year in college, I was still somewhat unsure and lost.
But now I know I am at a place with my best friend, best guide, and the best Father.

I'm happy to be here, to meet people that I know and call as friends, to learn, to read, and most importantly to persevere with my Father.
It's true that I still let Him down and that I sometimes don't put Him on the top of my list.
But it's also true that no matter how many times I fail and fall short, He still loves me and cares for me.
How can I not love my Father?

I thank my Father for another day.
I don't want to go back to my high school days.
I want to go forward, start anew every day with His daily bread for me.
His grace and mercy and love.

I want to be captivated. I want my heart to be captivated by His love.
I want my heart to be filled with desires to love my Father.
I want to surrender.

"He must become greater; I must become less."
John 3:30


I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed by.
The world keeps on changing; time keeps on racing; beginning that leads to the beginning of something new; never-ending

I like to take a break sometimes.
Just take a moment to breathe in and out; take a bite of the reality, one bite at a time.
Chewing with strength of hope and dreams
As the reality touches every senses of my tongue, I'm simply amazed at the sovereignty and unchanging God's presense in my life.
How He revealed the truth using everything, everyone, every situations, and etc.
He doesn't miss any opportunities. He knows the best.
Because of Him, I can swallow the bittersweet reality with faith and grace.

The harder I think about thanksgiving, the more I come to realize there is absolutely nothing in my life that I cannot be thankful for.
Everyone in my life, regardless whether I liked them or not/whether I feel like they treated me nice or not, without them I am not who I am today.
All the things that I've seen, learned, experienced, and whatnot has made who I am today and I'm glad God has let them happen to me.
Regardless whether I like who I am today or not, I am thankful, because God LOVES me no matter what.
So thank you God for family, friends, people in my life, and everything.
And thank YOU, all the people that God has put in my life.
And thank YOU, world that God has created and uses to bring me back to Him.

I want to live a life of thanksliving. every day. every moment of my life.
Because my heavenly Father loves me.

It's already past midnight; yesterday was Thanksgiving day and today is another day of THANKSLIVING.
Thank you God for giving me another day to thank you.
Happy Thanksliving, everyone!


After sermon today, I told myself I need to share this with my friends.
I planned on writing as soon as I get home from church, but as soon as I got home, I passed out on my bed.

So here I go now:
John 8:1-11
1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Whenever I read this verse, it always reminded me of Matthew 7:5:
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
I always thought Jesus was telling us that we are all sinners, therefore we cannot judge each other.
and also I thought John 8:1-11 showed one of the attempts to test Jesus.
But what the pastor told us and shared with us was far beyond what I got.
He said when he read John 8:1-11, he saw Jesus' love for people.
Those people who accused the woman were religious leaders at the time and they knew the law and followed them well.
Pastor said to love is more important than to discern what is right and wrong.
Those leaders from the scripture reading may have the ability to tell what is right and wrong from their book of the law, but the ability to love people is so much more powerful than just following the law.
Where those leaders condemned the woman was like a church place.
Church is a place for people to be comforted, accepted, and loved; it's a place where people's spiritual revivals should take place, where God's undying love prevails in people's hearts, where people are the witness of God's salvation, and where people's hearts become like Jesus', loving one another regardless of what sorts of sins that people may have committed.
Church is the place of love. Agape love.
It's so easy to hate people. It's so easy to find faults in others.
Disagreement in beliefs, opinions, customs, traditions, lifestyle, and pride in myself and believing that what I do is right. Unable or unwilling to see in other's point of view.
Why is it so hard to love?
I always say I have a love-and-hate relationship with the humanity, or the world.
I hate the humanity for our dark and sinful nature and at times I have a hard time forgiving or loving myself, because I, myself, is such a sinner.
Then sometimes I love the humanity, because I see hopes in God that we were created in his image and we struggle to be like Him. Although we always fall short of his glory, we continue to struggle and try to sanctify ourselves for the time when we join Him in the world of everlasting love and peace. I love witnessing people's change; not just positive changes, but also negative changes. Over the years, I've learned that we can't always change for the better. There will always be struggle whether we change for the better or worse. Going higher and higher, changing for the better and always staying on the "right" path is what we all hope for and is what we all try, but it's impossible to stay that way all the time. If our appearance is doing the right thing, our mind would sin; and vice versa. Our dark times wake us and keep us on our toes.
From the past few years, I've learned to enjoy the times of struggle. I often times try to look at things in many different perspectives, and I think -this is a rather dangerous and possibly misleading to state- that we are beautiful when we struggle. Our darkness in hearts can make us and shape us into beautiful people. When our hearts finds strength from God, we can be the witness of God's love.
The light is the brightest in the darkest room.
I picture a ray of moonlight piercing through the silence and the darkness of my room at night. How it shines; how beautiful it is.
Let God be the moonlight and let Him shine on me, so that I can be the witness.
My favorite part of his sermon was when he shared that sometimes when people are in leader positions in church, it's so easy for them to become just "teachers" of the law.
Just simply teaching people what they should do and what they shouldn't. and criticizing others or judging them, calling them out for their sins...
God doesn't teach us to be just teachers, but rather, He teaches us to have the heart like His so that we can love. so that we can testify to love. to HIS LOVE.
So I pray that our hearts become like one of God's and that our hearts can love one another like God loves us.
Even after sermon, I still have a love-and-hate relationship with the humanity.
It's hard to truly understand these things and take them into our hearts.
But like my mom says sometimes, "hate the sins, not the people."
This is one of the epiphany moments in my long journey with Christ.
I cannot wait to see what more He will reveal to me and you.
I know I'm terrible at writing, but I hope God has touched you and showed you His love that He showed me this morning.
I want to share the love. I want to love until I can say from the bottom of my heart, "I love."

Noah's Ark

Genesis 1:21
So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 7:21-23
Every living thing that moved on the earth perishes - birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men adn animals and the creatures that move along th eround and the birds of the air were wiped form the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

Did God perish the sea creatures as well when He flooded the earth?
It doesn't say anything about sea creatures dying, which makes sense.
But then, it also implies that only the animals in the ark were kept alive during the flood.
Do we just assume that sea creatures still live in flood?
I've never thought of this before until today.

Genesis 3

God has commanded both man and woman (Adam and Eve) not to eat fruits from the tree of knowledge nor from the tree of life.

The crafty serpent succeeds in tempting Eve to eat a fruit from the tree of knowledge and Adam falls into sin after Eve.
After eating a fruit from the tree of knowledge, both Adam and Eve's eyes are open.
The bible says the tree of knowledge is the tree of good and evil.
Adam and Eve become aware of their surroundings and their nakedness.

I'm trying to grasp this concept of tree of knowledge, of good and evil.

Genesis 3:22
And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

Numerous questions filling up my head and mind... and answers that are beyond my knowledge and understanding:
1. What exactly does He mean by good and evil?
Often times, my friends and I said we don't know what is truly righteous and wrong.
Our concept of right and wrong is affected by the societal values and educations from this world.
Therefore, our notion of right and wrong, our judgement, is not pure, because we lack the ability to discern the true righteousness from the true wrong-doings.
I wish I have a better diction than this to describe my confused "understanding".
What I'm confused about is when God says, "The man has now become like one of us"...
To whom does he refer to as plural "us"? Jesus, angels, and Himself?
I think the key of that sentence is "like one of us".

The man has now become like one of us; the man has not become one of us -not quite.

I think the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, made us capable of reason.

reason. rationality. perhaps intelligence.
Still... all those things are not the truth.
Our reason, our rationals, our intelligence cannot possibly serve to give us the truth of life.
We are surrounded and corrupted by the worldly teachings and knowledge.
Even though we try to live by the Bible, we still fall short of His glory, because of our nature of sin.
A lot of times our reasons are clouded by impurity, straying us away from the truth.

The impurity in our hearts is what separates us from God's knowledge of good and evil;
reason why we have only become like one of His heavenly servants.

This can be discouraging and encouraging revelation:
it's discouraging that we are so impure; but it's encouraging because God did not forsaken us despite our sins.
We can be purified by the blood of Jesus, His cross, His promise, and His undying love for us all.

Our tendency to reason can be beneficial or poisonous.
It's poisonous, because it opens ways for us to stray away from the truth of life and to acquire more worldly knowledge that makes more sense and looks more appealing to us.
But it can be beneficial; only when we purely reason based on the truth God teaches us in the Bible.

what an irony.
I've been reasoning the whole time.
I hope my reasoning on this post has been "beneficial" though.
I've been trying to gain understanding and wisdom from God and let Him take me through Genesis and what He wanted to say in it.

Tough but good stuff.
I've only finishes Genesis 3, and God has revealed so much already.
The infinite wonders of His work.
Let me be the witness to Your work, father.
So that I can testify to the world and share the grace