
About three months ago, I wrote a post, "Let Go", meditating on Deuteronomy Chapter 3 where God finally shows the Promised Land to Moses, but forbidden him from entering the land.
Brief Recap of "Let Go" post, my short-sighted meditation on chapter 3:
I wondered and thought about how Moses would've felt after all those years leading the stubborn, disobedient, and unfaithful Israelites.
I wrote about how it must have been devastating and upsetting for Moses, and how difficult it is to "let go" of our desires.

I finally read the last chapter of Deuteronomy and it really brought new perspective.
I realized the moment when he stood on the Mt. Nebo was probably the most beautiful and amazing moment in his life.
To use the direct quote from my QT devotional:
"Before Moses dies, the Lord shows him the Promised Land. It is more beautiful than he could have ever imagine dand it is the evidence of God's faithfulness to His people. It is also a hallmark moment fo rthe man of God, human in every sense of the word, but righteous and humble in the very best ways. What an awesome moment for Moses! No one knows what exactly happened on Mount Nebo, but we can imagine God showing Moses the land and telling him, 'well done, good and faithful servant.' It is a testament of a life well-lived." Living Life

My short-sightedness only focused so much on OUR selfish perspective;
I thought about how devastating it must have been for Moses to obey.
But I think for Moses, God's grace and faithfulness was sufficient, and he had set his eyes for the greater and higher things.
I'm not saying it was easy for Moses to just obey -again, we can only imagine;
but Moses knew that the peace and joy in obedience to God outweighs temporary worldly "satisfaction" you get from following selfish desires.
I focused on the sacrifices he made in obedience, but Moses focused on the joy in obedience.
I was short-sighted and only saw despair, but Moses saw the eternity and was joyful.

So many of us are short-sighted and look for sources of temporary success and happiness,
but Moses set his eyes on the eternity and marched forward in faith for the eternal prize in heaven.
Moses went from prince -> fugitive -> shepherd -> prophet.
He's had an EXTRAORDINARY life with many twists and turns, but his journey had an amazing end with God's providence and guidance.
It's important to note his spiritual growth in obedience and faithfulness even though all the glory goes to our Father in heaven.

"Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt-to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel." Deuteronomy 34:9-12

Humbled. Challenged. Once Again.
Totally irrelevant to the content of this post:
*I used to find OT very difficult to read, but I started to enjoy reading the OT recently.
I can't wait 'til I finish the OT! I'm so excited.
I used to say this for fun last year... somehow I remembered that phrase while writing this post about Moses LOL.
Just throwing it out there. haha.

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